To help veterinarians make decisions on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has developed guidelines on how best to utilize this equipment. With some medical products in short supply, requests have emerged that all medical professionals, including veterinarians, conserve PPE until supplies become more readily available, the association says. “Postponing elective procedures that require the use of PPE is one way of conserving,” AVMA says. “Conservation strategies can also include safely extending the use of disposable PPE, re-using disposable PPE, or increased use of washable PPE.” Specifically, AVMA’s guidelines address a number of concerns veterinarians may have related to this equipment, including: the reuse of single-use PPE, including gloves, gowns, and masks; the use of expired gowns and masks; the reuse of cloth gowns in a shortage; and acceptable practices related to N95 respirators. To view the guidelines, click here. FDA has also published recommendations on the use of PPE during the pandemic. For more, click here.