VMX goes digital with virtual expo hall

NAVC’s latest tech offers attendees year-round access to its exhibitors and offerings

A new digital platform from the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) aims to enhance the experience of VMX attendees.

The group has launched VMX Virtual, an interactive and immersive "virtual expo hall," designed to better connect the event's exhibitors and attendees.

Using the platform, visitors are able to digitally move through the VMX Expo Hall and experience an exhibiting company's virtual booth by talking live with representatives, viewing and downloading content, watching webinars and videos, and even receiving free giveaways.

The platform, NAVC says, introduces advanced gamification and simulation technology, effectively transforming the show into a dynamic, "on-demand" year-round marketplace.

"People and companies spend thousands to millions of dollars each year going to trade shows or sponsoring exhibits," says NAVC's interim CEO, Eugene O'Neill. "VMX Virtual lets them get more out of their investment all year long."

The platform, which will see Hill's Pet Nutrition as its inaugural digital exhibitor, is not intended as a replacement for live exhibitions, NAVC says, but rather as an extended engagement opportunity for both exhibitors and attendees.

"VMX Virtual is truly the next generation of trade shows, affording participating companies an avenue to better engage with their customers all year long and allowing conference attendees the opportunity to maximize their trade show experience," O'Neill says.

VMX, which will be held Jan. 18 to 20 in Orlando, Fla., features more than 700 exhibiting companies and is expected to draw over 17,000 attendees from 80 countries.

For a preview of VMX Virtual, check out the video below (courtesy NAVC).

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