Due to ongoing travel restrictions, VMX 2021 has been pushed back several months. The North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) has announced its global expo will take place June 5 to 9 in Orlando, Fla., representing a departure from its regular January scheduling. The live show will be held alongside VMX Virtual, an interactive and immersive “virtual expo hall,” which was launched last year. Using the platform, visitors are able to move digitally through the show’s expo hall to experience an exhibiting company’s virtual booth, speak in real time with representatives. The virtual aspect, NAVC says, offers a fully integrated hybrid event that participants can enjoy wherever they are most comfortable—be it at home or in Orlando. “VMX is an event that is at its best when the entire veterinary community can participate,” says NAVC’s chief executive officer, Gene O’Neill. “While we have received a very positive response from our community, most of whom plan to attend our live event in Orlando, we have also heard from those who want to attend but cannot because of ongoing travel restrictions.” “NAVC is committed to hosting an exceptional event,” he continues. “Taking into consideration all of the interests and perspectives of our community, we feel we can deliver that best when times allow for more in-person interaction and engagement.” For more NAVC, check out the video below.