Veterinary Practice News Calendar Survey Veterinary Practice News Wall Calendar Survey Veterinary Practice News wants to know how you keep yourself organized. Are you firmly in the digital space, or do you still like the look and feel of a printed calendar? Answer these 3 quick questions to let us know. What resources do you use to plan trade show and conference attendance (check all that apply)? * Visit Visit independent trade show and conference websites? Visit association websites/calendars of events? Look for calendars of events in industry newsletters? I do not attend trade shows and conferences. Do you have an annual printed calendar at your desk/in your office? Yes No What type of calendar do you have? * Wall (standard size by month) Wall (oversize by month) Wall (year at a glance) Desktop (tent style by month) Day planner OtherOther What type of calendar do you use? * If Veterinary Practice News combined a standard printed wall calendar with an industry trade show/conference calendar, would you use it? * Yes No, because...No, because... Submit