Veterinary Pet Insurance Reveals Top 15 Feline Medical Conditions Veterinary Pet Insurance Reveals Top 15 Feline Medical Conditions newsline Lower urinary tract disease is the top medical condition affecting cats, according to Veterinary Pet Insurance, which recently analyzed its database of almost 62,000 insured cats to find the most common feline health problems. The condition costs cat owners an average of $260 per claim. The top 15 medical conditions affecting both indoor and outdoor cats are as follows: Lower urinary tract disease Chronic renal failure Skin allergies and infections Hyperthyroidism Diabetes Tooth infection requiring extraction Upper respiratory infections Ear infection Eye infection Constipation Asthma Soft tissue injuries/sprains Laceration and bite wounds Benign skin growths Gastritis/vomiting/diarrhea Combined, these conditions are responsible for 60 percent of feline medical claims received by VPI each year. The most expensive feline condition on the list is tooth infections requiring extractions, which can cost an average of $360 per claim. VPI is based in Brea, Calif. <HOME> Lower urinary tract disease is the top medical condition affecting cats, according to Veterinary Pet Insurance, which recently analyzed its database of almost 62,000 insured cats to find the most common feline health problems. Lower urinary tract disease is the top medical condition affecting cats, according to Veterinary Pet Insurance, which recently analyzed its database of almost 62,000 insured cats to find the most common feline health problems. Veterinary Pet Insurance, Feline, Medical Conditions, cats, VPI