Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: Photo by Kenneth C. Zirkel/courtesy Wikimedia Commons A longtime client of Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) has left his entire estate to the veterinary facility and the patients it serves. A U.S. Navy veteran, Norman Nolan was well-known and beloved by those working at CUHA, having brought generations of dogs in for care, Cornell University reports. Nolan, who previously worked in the university’s bursar’s office, also regularly visited the hospital socially. “More often than not, he would pick up candy or cookies and take it to the vet school hospital where he and his dachshund, Grendyl, would deliver it to the people at the front desk,” says Carol Hardy, DVM, a longtime friend of Nolan and former senior lecturer in the department of biomedical sciences. Norman Nolan Photo courtesy Cornell University When Nolan passed away in April at the age of 95, it was revealed he had bestowed all his remaining money and assets to the hospital. “Mr. Nolan’s generosity to staff, faculty, students and fellow clients during his lifetime can now be acknowledged more publicly and will provide critical help to others in need,” says Amy L. Robinson, director of client and family giving at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. “What he had left, he wanted to go to help the animals,” Dr. Hardy adds. “He particularly wanted a fund to help those who couldn’t afford the services to have funds to pay for healing their animals.” Written with files from Cornell University.