With the latest report from pet health insurance provider Nationwide, veterinarians can further educate pet owners about risk factors, prevention, treatment options, and pet care costs. Based on data from more than a million of its actively insured pets, Nationwide has identified the most common medical conditions in dogs and cats, along with their financial impact on pet families. “From skin allergies to arthritis, many of the most common conditions veterinarians diagnose are also those that can require ongoing management,” says Emily Tincher, DVM, chief veterinary officer at Nationwide. “Chronic conditions, in particular, can lead to significant cumulative costs over time. By helping pet families understand disease risks and treatment costs, veterinary teams can help prepare them for long-term care decisions.” For dogs, skin allergies remain the most prevalent health issue for the 13th consecutive year. The top eight conditions remained unchanged from 2023-24, but kidney failure entered the top 10, replacing respiratory infection, which dropped to the top 15. Five of the top 10 canine conditions are chronic, with reportedly significant long-term costs: skin allergies ($841/year), osteoarthritis ($1,093/year), valvular heart disease ($1,203/year), liver disease ($770/year), and kidney failure ($992/year). Top conditions for Nationwide-insured dogs Cost within first 30 days of diagnosis** 1) Skin allergies* $265 2) Gastroenteritis $702 3) Otitis externa $304 4) Osteoarthritis* $414 5) Trauma $708 6) Dental disease $1,284 7) Urinary tract infection $533 8) Valvular heart disease* $553 9) Liver disease* $499 10) Kidney failure* $575 Among cats, gastroenteritis remains the most common condition for the second year. The top six conditions were unchanged from 2023, though the rankings of the lower four shifted slightly. Chronic illnesses dominate the top 10 feline conditions, with the company reporting the following costs: kidney disease ($1,201/year), osteoarthritis ($1,274/year), hyperthyroidism ($1,145/year), inflammatory bowel disease ($1,464/year), diabetes mellitus ($2,240/year), and atopic/allergic dermatitis ($592/year). Top conditions for Nationwide-insured cats Cost within first 30 days of diagnosis** 1) Gastroenteritis $802 2) Urinary tract disease $943 3) Kidney failure* $655 4) Dental disease $1,517 5) Osteoarthritis* $439 6) Hyperthyroid disease* $511 7) Inflammatory bowel disease* $828 8) Diabetes mellitus* $850 9) Respiratory infection $534 10) Skin allergies* $318 These findings highlight the growing financial burden of chronic pet diseases, emphasizing the importance of early detection and management. For more information, visit the Nationwide website. *Chronic conditions **These numbers were calculated by analyzing the 80th percentile of costs Nationwide pet insurance policyholders reported within the first 30 days after diagnosis for a given condition.