WSAVA elects Australian veterinarian as its new presidentOctober 3, 2018Shane Ryan, BVSc, MVS, CertVetAcupuncture, GradDipAnimChiro, MChiroSc, MRCVS, an Australian veterinarian practicing in Singapore, has been appointed president of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Dr. Ryan, a member of the WSAVA's executive board and former chair of its Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee, will take over from Walt Ingwersen, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM, and will serve a two-year term. After graduating from the University of Queensland, Ryan worked and traveled in Australia, the U.K., and Europe before moving to Singapore in 1984. In 1989, he opened his own practice in Singapore, Companion Animal Surgery, which is now a 24-hour veterinary facility with 10 veterinarians and 15 auxiliary staff. He first became involved with the WSAVA while a member of the Singapore Veterinary Association (SVA) Committee and played a part in developing its bids to host WSAVA World Congress in 2018. He also helped develop WSAVA's new Animal Welfare Global Guidelines for Companion Animal Practitioners and the Veterinary Team, which were launched during this year's WSAVA World Congress. "I will build on his efforts to strengthen the sense of community across the association and I'll be engaging with our members and working with our leadership team to …
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WSAVA releases first global guidelines for companion animal practitionersSeptember 26, 2018The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) is highlighting the key role of veterinarians as animal welfare advocates with the launch of its Animal Welfare Global Guidelines for Companion Animal Practitioners and the Veterinary Team. The guidelines, introduced during WSAVA World Congress 2018 in Singapore, aim to bridge differing perceptions of welfare around the world and help veterinarians to tackle the ethical questions and moral issues that impact welfare. They offer guidance to ensure that veterinarians can advocate for animals' psychological, social, and environmental well-being. WSAVA currently offers Global Guidelines in key areas of veterinary practice, including pain management, vaccination, nutrition, and dentistry. "As veterinarians, our responsibility extends far beyond the physical health of our patients," said Shane Ryan, BVSc, MVC, CVA, MRCVS, incoming president of WSAVA and former chair of the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee. "Animal welfare as a science is a new and rapidly developing discipline and veterinarians need current, evidence-based information to enable them to maintain the highest welfare standards and to provide knowledgeable, accurate advice for pet owners and communities. "Our new guidelines provide recommendations, checklists, and other tools to promote optimal levels of welfare throughout the veterinary visit. They also offer guidance …
WSAVA World Congress 2018 early bird deadline approachingJune 15, 2018Veterinarians planning on attending World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) World Congress 2018 need to act fast: The deadline for early bird registration rates is June 25. WSAVA World Congress, a gathering of more than 2,000 companion animal veterinarians, will take place Sept. 25-28 in Singapore. Highlights of this year's congress include: The launch of the association's new Global Guidelines for Companion Animal Welfare A series of outreach programs to enable veterinarians who wish to volunteer their services to gain new experiences and support animal welfare in countries in which companion animal practice is still developing A Donation Drive run by local host, the Singapore Veterinary Association, to help veterinary students and developing associations in South East Asia by asking sponsors and delegates to donate equipment The next steps in the association's campaign to secure equal access to veterinary therapeutics for veterinarians around the world Precongress workshops on aquatic medicine and practical dentistry and a packed scientific program in which global veterinary and business experts will explore cutting-edge thinking in all aspects of companion animal veterinary care. State-of-the art lectures from some of the association's 2018 award winners are also included on the …