UK veterinary groups and schools react to BrexitJune 24, 2016With the UK voting to leave the European Union, how will it affect the veterinary community? President of the British Veterinary Association, Sean Wensley, had this to say in a statement...
SPONSORED CONTENTFeline heartworm diagnostic testingUnderstanding the new American Heartworm Society guidelines, why and when to screen cats for heartworm infection. +
Do you own a spleen?October 1, 2010BY PHIL ZELTZMAN, DVM, DACVS, CERTIFIED FEAR FREE Dr. M. is a funny woman. When she interviews potential technicians, she knows not to ask illegal questions, such as marital status, ethnic origin and age. Yet without blinking an eye, she asks possible hires if they have a spleen. This was so intriguing to me that of course I had to investigate. Our colleague explained: "I read once in a human morbidity and mortality review …