VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Vet techs can help make your clinic more cat-friendlyJune 12, 2024By Jamie Rauscher, LVTNAVTA president on how credentialed veterinary technicians can be instrumental in helping educate their co-workers and clients in the benefits of implementing cat-friendly interactions that will help to enhance appointment efficiency and overall human safety.
SPONSORED CONTENTA Modern Approach to Parasite PreventionWith evolving parasite threats, traditional preventatives may not be enough. Discover how innovation is changing the landscape of protection. + Learn More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Utilization is not just a buzzwordFebruary 9, 2024By Jamie Rauscher, LVTProper utilization of technicians is something both credentialed veterinary technicians (CVTs) and practice owners want. Or is it? It seems everyone always thinks it is a great idea but just does not know how to move forward to make it happen. Lots of conversations are happening in our profession to try to figure out just how to do this. Why all the talk and so little action? Where is the hold up?
Tech disrespect and the rise of unionsDecember 26, 2023This month's column discusses the systematic ways in which our über-hierarchical profession too often relegates veterinary nurses-slash-technicians to roles several rungs below their veterinary-degreed colleagues.
Mental wellness of technicians central to new Texas A&M projectDecember 7, 2023The wellness initiative is aimed at providing veterinarian technicians a new space for relaxation, recharging, and connecting with colleagues.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveDon't forget about CE for vet techsNovember 29, 2023Requiring a CrVT to obtain a certain amount of CE to continue to be certified allows them to stay up to date on veterinary medicine and will make them more utilizable within a veterinary facility. A properly educated and trained CrVT will be able to not only complete more complex tasks, but is able to share that education with others within the facility.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveA detailed look at ultrasound and vision – Part 2May 25, 2023Evaluate the cost of missing the lesion with respect to your patient, your pet owner client, your time, your team’s time, your image and report footprint, your reputation, and most of all how the cost of missing a lesion ultimately affects your art of veterinary medicine that you and your team have so painstakingly dedicated yourselves to all these years. Then look at these steps and knock off this checklist when looking at machines.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveWellness in the WorkplaceNovember 17, 2022This session will tell Dr. Becky Krull's story of burnout to help support and educate technicians on their well-being in the workplace. All team members can benefit from how she healed her way back to be the doctor, wife, mom, and leader she is today. She will focus on what worked for her and how she has implemented these tools into her daily life, as well as her business.
Vet Tech Week honors resilience of essential team membersOctober 21, 2022As National Veterinary Technician Week wraps, it behooves veterinarians, pet owners, and the industry at large to appreciate the essential role these professionals play in the day-to-day health and welfare of animals.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Promoting wellbeing in veterinary technology programsOctober 6, 2022By Jennifer Serling, CVT, RVT, VTES While there are many studies relating to veterinarians and the mental health crisis they are experiencing, the same cannot be said for the veterinary support staff, particularly credentialed veterinary technicians. Many of the same characteristics that draw students to veterinary medicine are also the same characteristics that contribute to burnout and compassion fatigue. Appalachian State University has become the first veterinary technology program to employ a full-time wellbeing coordinator on their team. The sole purpose of this position is to provide support for the students and faculty, and also develop best practice models for other veterinary technology programs to follow.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveCytology for TechniciansAugust 11, 2022In this session: Juliann London, AAS, RVT, VTS (dermatology) discusses why cytologies are important in dermatology, covers the parts of a microscope, how to perform cytologies, and microscopic identification for technicians.