VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Unionization in the veterinary industryFebruary 27, 2025By Beckie Mossor, MPA, RVTUnionization in the veterinary industry is not a new concept, but it has gained increased attention in recent years. A few pioneering practices have successfully unionized, marking a shift in how the veterinary community views worker advocacy.
SPONSORED CONTENTLife-saving results for parvovirus casesResearch has shown that puppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody have shorter clinic stays.1 Transform parvo treatment outcomes for your patients. + Read More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveBite Check: Detecting Malocclusions in Dogs and CatsFebruary 20, 2025In this session: Denise Rollings, CVT, VTS (Dentistry), begins by defining what constitutes a normal occlusion in both dogs and cats, then addressing the various classes of malocclusions, helping veterinary professionals accurately identify and differentiate these conditions. Finally, Rollings will explore the appropriate treatment options for each class of malocclusion, ensuring you can provide the best care for your patients. Malocclusions can be recognized by technicians, and we can play a vital role in helping our patients live a pain-free life.
Enhancing practice efficiency through checklistsOctober 18, 2023Take it from the vet tech: Using checklists in day-to-day operations, training practices, and patient care can aid in the clinic's productivity and profitability
Campaign tackles essential role of vet techs, nursesOctober 16, 2023The North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) and VCA Animal Hospitals (VCA) launch “Trust Your Vet Tech” in support of National Veterinary Technician Appreciation Week
A vet tech's advice on compassionate careOctober 16, 2023Celebrating Veterinary Technician Week is a great opportunity to recognize the invaluable contributions of vet techs and explore ways to empower them as leaders in your practice.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Interviewing tips for techniciansJune 30, 2023By Jamie Rauscher, LVTNAVTA president, Jamie Raucsher, LVT, on job hunting and interviewing tips and guidelines you may not have learned as part of your veterinary education.
Vet techs' expertise, opinions sought by AAHAMarch 14, 2023Veterinary technicians interested in having a say in the development of industry-wide standards, guidelines, and other resources are invited to apply for a newly created leadership position at the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveIn-house necropsy procedure tips for both vets and techsSeptember 1, 2022A necropsy can be thorough and complete within a veterinary practice, with no additional testing. The most important part of performing an in-house necropsy is deciding to perform it in the first place. It can be a daunting procedure, yet it is easily set-up, and the procedure can be performed with a team-based approach.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveWorkForce Crisis: Retaining StaffJune 2, 2022Leslie Boudreau, BASVT, RVTg, CVPM, PHR, PHRca, SPHR, on how the veterinary industry is facing a workforce crisis. Retaining and growing your staff has never been more important. Employees are our most valuable assets, but do they know this? With the Great Resignation upon us, now is the time to change our focus to retention and talent management. If you don’t help them grow, you will watch them go!
RVT transfer program aims to meet increased demandNovember 12, 2021The University of Missouri (MU) has joined forces with Jefferson College in Hillsboro, Mo., to create a new transfer opportunity for RVT students.