VPN Plus+ ExclusiveBoomers, gen-xers, millennials, oh my!February 1, 2023When discussing management methods and styles, generational differences are often overlooked, but can be a huge asset to encouraging teamwork. Indeed, the backbone of the veterinary field is teamwork, so becoming knowledgeable about how individual teammates think and interact will be a benefit to management.
SPONSORED CONTENTLife-saving results for parvovirus casesResearch has shown that puppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody have shorter clinic stays.1 Transform parvo treatment outcomes for your patients. + Read More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveWhy isn't mental health first-aid training mandated for veterinary leaders?September 7, 2022Even if mental health first-aid wasn’t nationally mandated training, what if each practice adopted and mandated it for themselves?
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveWorkForce Crisis: Retaining StaffJune 2, 2022Leslie Boudreau, BASVT, RVTg, CVPM, PHR, PHRca, SPHR, on how the veterinary industry is facing a workforce crisis. Retaining and growing your staff has never been more important. Employees are our most valuable assets, but do they know this? With the Great Resignation upon us, now is the time to change our focus to retention and talent management. If you don’t help them grow, you will watch them go!
Why you are more than 'just' your job titleFebruary 16, 2022All jobs at a veterinary clinic are important—from the receptionist who greets clients to technicians to veterinarians.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveBest holiday gifts for all kinds of veterinary peopleDecember 2, 2021By Patty Khuly, VMD, MBADr Khuly's gift guide, complete with links, to make it easier for you to think creatively as you put together your gifting list for the veterinary people in your life.
Employee assistance programs: The basicsFebruary 14, 2020Employers are realizing that when a staff member’s personal problems are left unchecked, they can fester, bubble over, and impact every aspect of their life, including job performance.