Essential medicines list for food-producing animals aims to improve access to veterinary medicines, biologicalsMarch 21, 2024The essential veterinary medicines list (EVML) includes core vaccines and medications selected by expert working groups based on relevance, efficacy, and cost effectiveness
SPONSORED CONTENTHelp save more lives with this parvovirus innovationOur Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody offered a 93% real-world survival rate for puppies afflicted with parvovirus.1 Discover the future of parvo treatment today! + Read More
Working with kennel vaccine policiesMarch 10, 2023Small animal practitioners will recognize this scenario: a client hands you a list of vaccines like they are turning in a menu at a sushi restaurant.
Seven strategies to improve vaccine complianceAugust 8, 2022A client says, "I’m just here for the rabies shot, Doc,” a client says. When a pet owner chooses services below your standard of care, the patient risks exposure to diseases and parasites. Practice health also suffers.
Give it your best shot to improve vaccine complianceSeptember 1, 2021The reasons pet owners give for not getting their pets vaccinated are varied, and often deeply personal.
Vaccine questions and resistanceJune 2, 2021Veterinarians probably have more familiarity with the science and application of vaccines than most physicians, excepting pediatricians. We understand the science of vaccines, the potential risks, and all the issues around immunization that are so hotly debated in the media these days.
Can old vaccines reveal new secrets?June 2, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the return of a period many of us have never experienced—a time before vaccines, when medicine had little power to stop the spread of infectious diseases.
Is a heartworm vaccine on the horizon?May 21, 2020Protecting dogs from deadly parasites and combating drug resistance to heartworm medications are the central goals behind a new Morris Animal Foundation-funded study.
COVID-19 research underway in LouisianaMarch 11, 2020Researchers at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine (LSU SVM) are hoping to develop a vaccine that could be used to prevent novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in humans.
Do your vaccine conversations need a makeover?March 6, 2020Clients want specific advice on which vaccines their pets need to stay protected. Too often, your team may use wiggle words that could put pets at risk.
Boehringer Ingelheim completes $76-million expansionOctober 14, 2019Boehringer Ingelheim revealed a $76-million expansion at its manufacturing plant in Athens, Ga., that will double the company’s capacity to produce vaccines for pets.