The dilemmas associated with televeterinary practiceJanuary 10, 2019Televeterinary medicine is poised to become more mainstream, but are U.S. state practice laws a stumbling block?
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What the future may hold for televeterinary practiceOctober 4, 2018As a veterinary futurist, it seems to me the rate of change in our profession is increasing, which could lead to an economic boon for practically every segment of the veterinary profession. I believe the greatest opportunity for the profession in the coming decades is providing veterinary education, experience, and expertise remotely to pet owners in the emerging middle class in developing countries. Remote teleconsulting regarding food and nondomestic animals will likely increase, but in light of the human-animal bond, I believe the explosive growth will be in helping inexperienced pet owners access companion animal health care.
Should televeterinary medical practitioners be globally certified?May 8, 2018At the second annual Veterinary Innovation Summit (VIS), which concluded recently on the campus of Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (TAMUCVM), several of the veterinary startup exhibitors included a televeterinary component in their offerings, and it also was a common lecture and breakout topic. Currently, most state practice acts require a hands-on physical exam to create a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) before a veterinarian can provide …