Dermatitis, otitis externa among top pet insurance claimsApril 13, 2023Skin, dental, and stomach ailments are among last year’s most commonly claimed pet medical conditions, Nationwide reports.
Working with kennel vaccine policiesMarch 10, 2023Small animal practitioners will recognize this scenario: a client hands you a list of vaccines like they are turning in a menu at a sushi restaurant.
SDMA testing key to better kidney diagnosesJanuary 31, 2023A robust kidney evaluation—from juvenile to geriatric—should include all reliable screening diagnostics. In addition to creatinine (CREA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) testing now plays an increasingly important role in diagnostics.
Why treating CID is so complicatedSeptember 26, 2022With pet owners increasingly opting to pursue treatment after a cancer diagnosis, the field of veterinary oncology sees consistent growth and investment into better cancer mitigation. As developments in cancer treatment continue, understanding adverse effects of these treatments is expanding. One such common effect is chemotherapy-induced diarrhea (CID) in dogs. While CID is likely already on every veterinary professional’s mind, knowing the specific impact of CID on canine patients’ health outcomes and potential treatment options is crucial for all who treat cancer or provide supportive care for dogs with CID.