How to approach polytraumaJanuary 15, 2024While severe visible injuries can cause distress to practitioners, threatening internal injuries are easily overlooked, leading to more compromising conditions, such as cardiopulmonary arrest.
SPONSORED CONTENTStraight Talk with Clients is a Critical Piece of the Adverse Food Reaction "Puzzle"Managing dogs with adverse food reactions can be a puzzle for veterinarians and a wait-and-see game for clients. +
Gut health key to better care, outcomesJune 2, 2023The gut microbiome is a complex microbial community (archaea, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses) found in the gastrointestinal tract that is foundational to health, supporting—among other things—digestion, immunity, and the central nervous system.
Understanding canine vaccines: What is 'core' and 'non-core'?May 31, 2023The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recently released its 2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines.1 This resource is incredibly comprehensive (almost any question you might have related to vaccination is addressed!), contains resources for veterinary team members and pet owners, and assists with preventive care. Perhaps the most important question raised in the updated guidelines is: "Should we be re-thinking what we consider 'core vaccines' for individual patients?" Spoiler alert: the answer is yes. 'Core' …
A One Health approach to heartwormMay 30, 2023Have you ever asked a client presenting with a pet with vomiting or diarrhea if the animal is on heartworm prevention? Is it relevant? It should be.
Do you know how to handle drug disposal?May 25, 2023How many of you have outdated drugs within your hospitals? Have you poured an expired bottle of a liquid medication into a kitty litter to dispose of it? Or maybe just dumped them in the garbage?
How to prepare for euthanasiaMay 24, 2023End-of-life care can easily be the worst part of veterinary medicine. It does not matter where you fall in the hierarchy of a practice, dealing with it can be very uncomfortable.
Developing new grading schemes critical in bettering cancer diagnosticsMay 23, 2023Human cancer diagnostics are replete in tumor grading schemes, many of which are directly tied to patient outcome and/or response to therapy. However, veterinary medicine remains woefully behind in developing, validating, and applying grading schemes to cancer in our animal patients.
Rabies vaccination programs contribute to both human and animal welfareMay 19, 2023Rabies occurs in more than 150 countries and territories, and 40 percent of the victims are children under 15 years of age, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Canine pancreatitis injectable lands U.S. distributionMay 18, 2023Panoquell-CA1’s active ingredient, fuzapladib sodium, has been approved for canine use in Japan since 2018.
Challenges of stomatitis treatmentMay 3, 2023Stomatitis is one of the most difficult conditions to treat among dogs and cats, often resulting in the removal of most of—if not all—the patient’s teeth.