Veterinary medical short series aims to educate pet ownersNovember 16, 2018Expert Veterinary TV, an informative and educational veterinary medical short series of vignettes for pet owners is now airing on various network and digital streaming platforms.
SPONSORED CONTENTBringing Light Home: How Super Pulsed Laser Therapy Enhances Pet HealingOver the past two decades, laser therapy has seen tremendous growth in veterinary practices. What was once considered an alternative therapy is now an integral part of mainstream veterinary care, particularly in rehabilitation, dental, and preventative medicine. +
Conservative treatment options for partial and complete CCL tears in dogsNovember 1, 2018Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) insufficiency is the most common cause of hind limb lameness in dogs. In 2003 alone, dog owners in the U.S. spent $1.32 billion for the treatment of CCL injuries in their pets. As an important stabilizer of the stifle joint, the CCL’s three main functions are to prevent hyperextension of the stifle, internal rotation of the tibia, and most importantly to prevent tibial thrust in relation to the femur. Once torn, the damaged CCL leaves the stifle unstable and results in chronic, progressive lameness, predisposition to meniscal tearing, and ultimately, the formation of osteoarthritis.
Nonsurgical perspectives on CCL diseaseSeptember 14, 2018Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) disease is a multifactorial process: the consequence of slow loading injury, ligamentous inflammation, neuromuscular joint/thigh musculature imbalance, and cartilage and collagen fiber degeneration, all compounded by genetic/conformational/weight-altered factors and dynamics.