The pros and cons of food allergy testingDecember 12, 2022Cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFR), also known as food allergies, are an immunological reaction to food allergens. CAFR is thought to affect about 20 percent of dogs, and up to 13 percent of cats with allergic skin disease.
SPONSORED CONTENTAre Your Patients Fully Protected?Fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites—dogs face multiple threats. See how a multi-parasite approach can offer your patients a broad range of protection. + Learn More
From normal flora to resistant pyodermasAugust 4, 2022Upon learning a pet has a pyoderma, a common question is, “Where did the bacteria come from?” Owners are often surprised to learn the majority of pyodermas are from a dysbiosis of the normal flora, and not an external or environmental source.
Debunking allergy testing mythsMay 26, 2022Although there have been many advancements in therapeutic options for atopic dermatitis over the last 10 years, allergy testing and allergy-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) still remains one of the safest long-term treatment options available.