Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?September 1, 2023Test your veterinary knowledge with our monthly challenge.
SPONSORED CONTENTDiet trials useful in diagnosing canine itchingFrequent itching in dogs is one of the most common dermatological issues seen by veterinarians. Left untreated, it can be distressing to pets and owners alike, and potentially lead to more serious health issues. +
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?August 1, 2023Test your veterinary knowledge with our monthly challenge.
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?July 1, 2023Test your veterinary knowledge with our monthly challenge
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?May 1, 2023Test your veterinary knowledge with our monthly challenge.
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?February 1, 2023Test your veterinary knowledge with our monthly challenge.
Can you solve this puzzle?April 8, 2022An eight-year-old standard poodle presents after being found with a distended abdomen at a boarding facility.
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?November 1, 2018 Presentation A patient is dysphoric when recovering from anesthesia. Challenge How do you diagnose dysphoria? What do you need to differentiate dysphoria from? How would you treat dysphoria? Check your answer on the next page.
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?October 17, 2018 Presentation Cystotomy in a five-year-old Rottweiler who had 178 struvite stones. Challenge What is the holding layer—the one to include in the suture line? Which suture material is ideal? Which needle is best? Which suture pattern is recommended? Check your answer on the next page.