Canine parvovirus and care (even on a budget)November 17, 2021Puppies infected with canine parvovirus are a common presentation to veterinary practitioners.
SPONSORED CONTENTLike they're not awful enoughThey can cause Echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease with up to a 75% human fatality rate. + Learn More
Nursing considerations for neonate and pediatric patientsSeptember 23, 2021Neonates and pediatric patients can be challenging when it comes to nursing care. Their size, immune system, and fragility make it difficult to treat ailments.
Charting puppy growth can avoid plump poochesSeptember 24, 2020Sixty-eight percent of dogs that develop obesity by age three have been larger-than-average since puppyhood, research shows.
Pet store puppies linked to multidrug-resistant outbreakDecember 18, 2019The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is asking veterinarians to inform clients of a multidrug-resistant outbreak that is believed to be connected to contact with pet store puppies.
Covetrus delivers 2,000th puppy care packageJune 4, 2019Covetrus has delivered its 2,000th puppy care package to volunteers who train assistance dogs in support of Canine Companions for Independence. For the last four years, the company has equipped volunteer puppy raisers, who are responsible for socializing and training the puppies, with a puppy care package supplied with vital products for raising the puppy during the first 18 months of its life. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to providing highly trained assistance dogs at …
5 Playful Puppies and Kitties in the Vet ClinicJuly 25, 2016Forget the stereotype that all pets hate going to the veterinarian. These cute puppies and kittens love it, because they get to play with toys, people and other pets! Watch how much they love to play below.
12 puppies in the vet clinicJune 23, 2016Who doesn't love puppies?! Yeah, they're crazy, hyperactive, will chew just about anything ... but they're also super adorable and you can't help but coo over them. So here are some adorable puppies at the vet clinic that will make you go "Awwww."