Top 10 ways to drive your nurses crazyOctober 2, 2020Here are 10 ways you can infuriate, aggravate, and frustrate your nurses. After all, how else are you to uncover the toughest, most resilient technicians* with the thickest skin?
SPONSORED CONTENTSupport patients' cognitive function and mobility.Cognitive and mobility decline are common issues facing aging pets, and new Hill's Prescription Diet Brain Care + j/d can help. + Learn More
Overbooked? How to fix your scheduleOctober 2, 2020A two-doctor practice typically sees 300 patients per month for preventive checkups. With a backlog of three months, you face up to 900 overdue patients.
Mindful breathing: 10 minutes a day can lead to better healthSeptember 30, 2020Who knew the simple act of sitting quietly, focusing on breathing through the nose and out the mouth, and oxygenating the body could make such a world of difference?
Clear communication key when leading amidst uncertaintySeptember 23, 2020When guiding a team, clear communication and a sense of understanding is key, regardless of the landscape.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveBest practices for managing part-time clinicians at multidoctor practicesSeptember 22, 2020 Veterinary practice is a team effort, requiring commitment and dedication from all staff members to provide optimal care for each pet, keep clients happy, and maintain profitability. Within a multidoctor practice, this team effort can be put to the test when some of the clinicians work part-time. Why choose part-time? Veterinarians who choose to work part-time do so for a variety of reasons, such as pursuing a second career. Laura Hoffman, DVM, who …
What kind of impostor are you?September 11, 2020Despite the kudos, the high fives, and the congrats, do you feel like you fooled everybody into thinking you’re better than you are? Like you don’t deserve the praise?
Lessons from COVID-19: Be resilient and efficientAugust 31, 2020Client relationships and practice profits will grow as you embrace new ways to work
First-ever veterinary union contract ratifiedAugust 27, 2020The veterinary industry’s first-ever private-sector union contract has been ratified at a Vancouver, Wash., clinic.
Preventive care, client payments streamlined with partnershipAugust 24, 2020VitusVet has introduced a service that splits the cost of veterinary care into multiple payments on a pet owner’s existing credit card.
What is your money personality?August 14, 2020Most people fall into five basic financial categories or money personalities. Which one are you?