Periodontal instrumentation: How to properly clean teethFebruary 20, 2024Though ultrasonic scalers are very helpful tools, you will also need to have hand scalers and curettes in your armamentarium.
SPONSORED CONTENTHelp save more lives with this parvovirus innovationOur Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody offered a 93% real-world survival rate for puppies afflicted with parvovirus.1 Discover the future of parvo treatment today! + Read More
Case study: Decreased appetite in a 13-year-old LabradorAugust 6, 2021In the case of Lucy, an abdominal ultrasound confirmed a large splenic mass.
Diabetes and dental diseaseAugust 16, 2018As veterinary practitioners, we see our fair share of diabetic patients who require extensive dental work. The goal with these patients is to improve their quality of life and, in some cases, improve glycemic control by removing a source of chronic infection in the form of periodontal disease. The challenge is to “do no harm” in the process. Invariably, oral surgery will set back the appetite of any patient. Lack of appetite becomes a bigger issue when a patient has diabetes and is supplemented with injectable insulin.
How to fix oronasal fistulasMay 4, 2018This month’s column discusses the surgical approach to treatment of the most common manifestation of oronasal fistulas: those that occur in the area of the maxillary canine tooth in dogs.
Nothing to sneeze atApril 10, 2018The most common cause of acquired oronasal fistulas is periodontal disease. The roots of the maxillary teeth are located close to the nasal passage. When vertical bone loss occurs due to periodontal disease, inflammation and infection can dissolve the thin shelf of bone and epithelium that separates the mouth from the nose.
Vets, doctor, treat gorilla at Brookfield ZooJuly 3, 2017As animals live longer thanks to veterinary medicine, they’re experiencing the same issues many people face, from arthritis to dental issues. That’s what happening with Ramar, a 49-year-old western lowland gorilla at Brookfield Zoo in Brookfield, Ill.