Got allergies? Welcome to the club (of veterinary masochists)May 26, 2020Did you know that in a recent study conducted by UC Davis, almost 90 percent of veterinarians tested positive for allergies?
SPONSORED CONTENTLove. Companionship. And a tapeworm.There’s a zoonotic risk of disease from dogs to humans. Especially in kids. + Learn More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveFrom the trenches: Veterinary musings from a pandemic-rattled brainMay 5, 2020By Patty Khuly, VMD, MBAIt's difficult to explain how I feel, but I'm fairly certain you can relate. It's like I'm being asked to perform all my normal functions as a veterinarian, practice owner, mother, and parental caretaker from beneath a thick layer of practical wariness while wrapped in a smothering blanket of fear. It's all so different––so suddenly––that I haven't had a proper chance to process it. I awake every day to find the game has changed, variables …
Loving animals: Our profession's secret weapon or its Achilles heel?April 27, 2020Unlike previous generations, today's veterinary students are entering the profession aware of its pitfalls, driven by a love for and desire to work with animals.
Off Leash: Stalking stigmaMarch 3, 2020Eighteen years ago, Patty Khuly realized she had a problem. Anxiety, depression, and a family history of mental illness conspired with the stress of divorce, debt, and single motherhood to feed a cycle of self-medication with alcohol and prescription drugs.
Associate autonomy: How to preserve your professional independenceJanuary 9, 2020While being an associate has its charms, what can you do to preserve your professional independence?
Stand out in a crowdJanuary 7, 2020It behooves us to always keep in mind our clients also have choices. They vote by walking in our door; it’s up to us to communicate why we deserve their business.