How best to manage canine osteoarthritis with nutritionJuly 9, 2021Mild and moderate osteoarthritis can be managed effectively using nutritional supplements, delaying the need for treatment with NSAIDs.
SPONSORED CONTENTLife-saving results for parvovirus casesResearch has shown that puppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody have shorter clinic stays.1 Transform parvo treatment outcomes for your patients. + Read More
Nutraceutricals can benefit patients, practicesOctober 29, 2019Nutraceuticals are commonly defined as nutritional supplements designed to improve overall health or address specific conditions.
Dermatology and nutrition: Beyond food allergyApril 29, 2019 When dogs and cats present with skin disorders, the initial approach is to collect a history, do a physical exam, and then perform diagnostic tests to rule in or rule out common conditions. After establishing a tentative diagnosis, most veterinarians will next consider which medications are most appropriate (e.g. antibiotics, antifungals, parasiticides). It is not as common to consider diet and nutrition as part of the workup and treatment for dermatologic disorders, other than …