Southwest Washington humane society launches $10-million fundraising campaignApril 11, 2019The Humane Society for Southwest Washington has launched a $10-million campaign to increase the size of its Vancouver hospital. The expansion will allow veterinarians to provide care for low-income pet owners. According to a news report from The Guardian, a $3-million donation has been received from a private donor and construction is expected to begin in 2021. Stacey Graham, the nonprofit's president, told The Guardian the campaign will initially be targeted toward high-level donors, …
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Study tackles nonprofit spay-neuter clinic controversySeptember 18, 2018Most pets seen in nonprofit spay-neuter clinics belong to low-income families and do not receive regular veterinary care, according to a study published Sept. 15 in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. In the JAVMA article, "Characteristics of clients and animals served by high-volume, stationary, nonprofit spay-neuter clinics," researchers Sara C. White, DVM, MSc; Julie K. Levy, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DABVP; and Janet M. Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhD, revealed the results of a …