10 'old vet' tips for fledgling veterinariansFebruary 6, 2025This month, Dr. Patty Khuly offers guidance to help new vets navigate the transition from life as a student to that of a doctor.
SPONSORED CONTENTCurrent users report reduced stress for parvovirus care1Research shows that our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody can help veterinary care teams work with less stress.1 Learn what CPMA can do for your parvo protocol. + Read More
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTips for adding a new graduate to your practiceJune 1, 2023The first, and most critical, element of adding a new graduate to your practice is accepting that daily practice life that must change: a new graduate completely alters the pace of the day. This acceptance is necessary from everyone. If that doesn’t make sense, thinking the receptionists, the technicians, and other doctors will be impacted, only the new graduate will be slower, you need to look at it in the context of a treadmill.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveA new way to go green: mentor a recent graduateSeptember 9, 2021New graduates are excited, full of energy, and really want to make a difference. When you hire them, you have the opportunity to shape their veterinary skills and teach them how to be a good doctor. Even though they will take more of your time in the beginning, they are also eager to do a good job and to prove themselves.
Debt relief, closed wage gaps needed to maintain growing professionNovember 17, 2020While the overall demand for veterinary professionals is high, student debt disparity and significant wage gaps remain an industry-wide concern.