New report proposes solutions to advance role of pets for better mental healthFebruary 18, 2025The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) issued a new report, The Role of Companion Animals for Improved Mental Health, earlier this month, that focuses on providing data, insights, and best practices to boost awareness and implementation of policies and programs that elevate the role of pets for improved mental health.
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Exploring the human-animal bond and how pets enhance our mental healthOctober 24, 2024Learn ways pets contribute to our well-being and how veterinary professionals can play a pivotal role in encouraging this dynamic.
Suicide prevention course offered for rural veterinarians, farm workersSeptember 23, 2024The free online course by Cornell will offer practical support and strategies to combat mental health challenges.
Pets benefit mental health of owners in the U.S., poll revealsMarch 18, 2024While the positive impact of companion animals was highlighted in the survey, American owners also expressed some concerns about their pets, including aging and death, and worrying about their health condition
Interacting with dogs boosts concentration and stress relief, study findsMarch 15, 2024The research used an electroencephalogram (EEG) scan, which revealed changes in brainwaves while performing various activities with a dog, including petting, grooming, and walking
Professional growth and well-being central to new industry partnershipFebruary 1, 2024The Farmer’s Dog will participate in World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) committees focused on the betterment of companion animals’ welfare and supporting and empowering veterinary care teams.
Euthanasia: Not the worst part of the jobJanuary 22, 2024"The biggest threat to the veterinary psyche is not over the death of animals. It has more to do with their humans."
Progress in tackling mental health issues evident among veterinary teams, study showsJanuary 17, 2024Merck Animal Health’s 4th Veterinary Wellbeing Study indicates an increase in clinics supporting their team’s mental health and emotional well-being
Mental wellness of technicians central to new Texas A&M projectDecember 7, 2023The wellness initiative is aimed at providing veterinarian technicians a new space for relaxation, recharging, and connecting with colleagues.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveAre you disappointed in your profession?November 23, 2023By Patty Khuly, VMD, MBAIt has finally happened. I’ve turned into that veterinarian: the crotchety, 30-year veteran of private practice so disillusioned by her own profession’s evolution she has begun actively planning a definitive exit strategy.