Leveraging your team to its maxMarch 4, 2019If you always do what you have always done, you always get where you have always gone. This is a slight variation of Einstein's definition of insanity. Let's explore how this unfolds within the realm of veterinary team utilization. Your veterinary team is made up of people with various passions and talents. Each team member brings great depth and breadth to the services provided to the client and patient. Clearly defining their roles, expertise, …
SPONSORED CONTENTYour Parasite Protection Recommendation, SimplifiedManaging parasite prevention doesn’t have to be complicated. Discover a single solution that protects against multiple threats. + Learn More
Giving the gift of team feedbackJune 14, 2018For veterinary team members, giving and receiving feedback can be a tough row to hoe. I recently asked a room full of veterinarians, managers, as well as technicians, “By a show of hands, who is good at giving and receiving feedback?” One hand went up right away and one other hand lifted, slowly and reluctantly.