CAPC forecasts problematic heartworm, Lyme in 2018April 19, 2018 The Companion Animal Parasite Council, or CAPC, has released its annual 2018 parasite forecasts, and the news isn't good. The agency reported there will be an increase in prevalence of heartworm and Lyme disease, and heartworm is predicted to continue its aggressive spread across the U.S., with the growth of Lyme disease focused east of the Rockies. The spread of heartworm is attributed to the hot and wet weather over …
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Diagnosing, treating Lyme diseaseDecember 5, 2017Lyme disease is a frustrating problem confronting veterinarians and horse owners in areas where ticks are prevalent. The disease, caused by a spirochete bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi, is transmitted through the bite of infected deer, or blacklegged ticks. As ticks are virtually ubiquitous, the carrier of the disease is essentially impossible to eradicate.