LVT preceptorship program expands at CornellMay 5, 2022Keeping pace with the growing demand for skilled veterinary professionals, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine has increased capacity for its Veterinary Technician Preceptorship program.
SPONSORED CONTENTStart Treating Canine MMVD Patients at Stage B2Learn about early treatment with pimobendan for canine Stage B2 preclinical MMVD patients. + Learn More
Technicians' role largely misunderstood by pet ownersMarch 30, 2022A survey of more than 1,000 American pet owners commissioned NAVC reveals many misconceptions about the responsibilities, education, and skills of credentialed veterinary nurses/technicians.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveUnder-utilizing veterinary techniciansJuly 1, 2021By Ed Carlson, CVT, VTS (nutrition)Under-utilizing credentialed/licensed veterinary technicians continues to be a hurdle many practices have yet to overcome. Here are areas for improvements.
Technicians vital in fight against veterinary shortageMarch 2, 2021Thwarting veterinary shortages and ensuring America’s animals have sufficient access to care is the goal of a recently announced academic-corporate partnership.