VPN Plus+ ExclusiveDon't forget about CE for vet techsNovember 29, 2023Requiring a CrVT to obtain a certain amount of CE to continue to be certified allows them to stay up to date on veterinary medicine and will make them more utilizable within a veterinary facility. A properly educated and trained CrVT will be able to not only complete more complex tasks, but is able to share that education with others within the facility.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveBoomers, gen-xers, millennials, oh my!February 1, 2023When discussing management methods and styles, generational differences are often overlooked, but can be a huge asset to encouraging teamwork. Indeed, the backbone of the veterinary field is teamwork, so becoming knowledgeable about how individual teammates think and interact will be a benefit to management.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveIn-house necropsy procedure tips for both vets and techsSeptember 1, 2022A necropsy can be thorough and complete within a veterinary practice, with no additional testing. The most important part of performing an in-house necropsy is deciding to perform it in the first place. It can be a daunting procedure, yet it is easily set-up, and the procedure can be performed with a team-based approach.