Veterinary loan repayment bill introduced in House of RepresentativesMay 16, 2019Rural veterinarians are one step closer to seeing the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) Enhancement Act become law. The act, a companion bill to S.1163, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and would remove a withholding tax to maximize funding for the veterinary medicine loan repayment program. The VMLRP offers loan repayment assistance to relocate veterinarians to areas deemed by the U.S. department of agriculture to have shortages. In a …
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Declawing cats may soon be illegal in New YorkMay 3, 2019Legislation is currently moving through New York's state assembly in an effort to ban the declawing of cats. Declawing is already banned in several cities in California, as well as many countries around the world, including Switzerland, Israel, and the U.K. If Bill A01303 is passed, it would make New York the first state to ban the practice. "Claws play an important role in various aspects of cats' lives. They use their nails to …
New bill would allow California veterinarians to recommend cannabisApril 22, 2019A new bill introduced to the California legislation could repeal an original ban on veterinarians recommending cannabis to their clients. The bill, SB 627, would allow licensed veterinarians to discuss the use of and recommend medicinal cannabis or related products on an animal patient for any condition for which these products provide relief. The bill would also prohibit a veterinarian who makes a recommendation under these provisions from being punished, or denied any right …
Texas affordable pet care bill on hold for nowApril 8, 2019Pet owners relying on low-cost veterinary clinics are breathing a temporary sigh of relief now that lawmakers are taking another look at a bill designed to limit pet care access to only the most indigent clients. House Bill 3806 would outlaw nonprofits from providing any veterinary services besides spaying, neutering, and vaccines to anyone other than the poorest pet owners. Further, pet owners who don't qualify based on their income would have to go to …