VPN Plus+ ExclusiveInside & Out: The Multi-Channel CommunicationJune 30, 2022When you’re tired of sharing your message that’s the moment it is just getting through to your audiences. People come to your practice with assumptions based on previous experiences. Set expectations with your team and your clients with constant consistent. This focus on messaging internally and externally will eliminate frustrations inside and out. During our session we will outline communication messaging, digital listen techniques and work through how to disseminate the same message to each audience across each channel online and off.
SPONSORED CONTENTFind success with your parvovirus protocolDiscover our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody: puppies treated with CPMA experienced a 93% real-world survival rate, and were able to head home from the clinic almost two days earlier.1,2 + Read More
Best practices for managing your reputationJune 2, 2021People can often get worked up writing negative reviews online. Be sure to address any about your clinic promptly.
Prioritize empathy amidst COVID-19, social media strategists sayJune 29, 2020The VPN Plus+ panel of experts took on hard-to-answer pandemic-related queries in last week’s online Q & A discussion.