Eight tips to increase laboratory revenueNovember 11, 2020Because more pet owners are working from home, they are noticing subtle symptoms and seeking treatment earlier. Attentive pet owners can drive the growth of your diagnostic revenue.
SPONSORED CONTENTFind success with your parvovirus protocolDiscover our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody: puppies treated with CPMA experienced a 93% real-world survival rate, and were able to head home from the clinic almost two days earlier.1,2 + Read More
What happens when big veterinary merges with big dataMay 7, 2019It's not just Facebook and Google. It's also Big Veterinary Supplier, Inc. What do I mean by that? Data is a huge source of income for all three. So much so, they're making use of private information we diligently collect and, in some cases, they're using it to compete directly against us. Veterinarians are not immune As our industry becomes increasingly consolidated, it's also adopting some of the habits with which other industries are …
Veterinary gender wage disparities—Why planet Venus pays less (and what to do about it)February 8, 2019Last July, the principal flutist at the Boston Symphony Orchestra filed a lawsuit alleging it had discriminated against her "by paying her an amount less than other comparable males." Though she records and performs more solos than the principal oboist (a comparable position in any symphony orchestra), she's paid 75 percent of what he makes. When I heard about this lawsuit, my brain veered directly toward veterinary medicine. Of course there's a wage gap, …
U.S. and Canadian pet owners more likely buy pet insurance regardless of incomeJanuary 17, 2019More than half of pet owners in the U.S. and Canada are willing to purchase insurance for their animals regardless of their income.
AVMA seeks change for veterinarians in light of income tax deductionOctober 15, 2018A request by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) for veterinary practices to benefit from the pass-through income tax deduction without income limits was submitted to the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).