Brushing up on insulin resistance/equine metabolic syndromeAugust 4, 2016Like the explosive expansion of smartphones and the advent of the selfie and duck lips, information and research pertaining to insulin dysregulation and equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) has grown tremendously over the past few years.
SPONSORED CONTENTCurrent users report reduced stress for parvovirus care1Research shows that our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody can help veterinary care teams work with less stress.1 Learn what CPMA can do for your parvo protocol. + Read More
3 ways to use stem cells in every day equine practiceAugust 2, 2016Although still in its infancy, the field of regenerative medicine is maturing and growing. The thought of harvesting adipose tissue or bone marrow is not as daunting a task as it once seemed, and several commercial kits make processing those tissues in-house easy.
What to do if a horse's cornea turns blueJuly 14, 2016Equine veterinary practitioners are often presented with an eye that has developed an opaque light-blue color, not unlike that of a robin’s egg. Whether the blue color covers part or all of the horse’s eye, astute clients are sure to note the change.
UC Davis vets warn horse owners about the dangers of pistacia treesJuly 13, 2016UC Davis veterinarians are sending a call-out to equine owners to keep their horses away from Pistacia orchards. According to UC Davis, the leaves and seeds can cause hemolytic anemia, which can be fatal if ingested.
Sarcoid tumors linked to genetic susceptibility in horsesJune 21, 2016A horse’s genetic makeup influences whether or not they develop sarcoid skin tumors, according to a new study by an international research group led by scientists at the Baker Institute for Animal Health at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Horse with colic: Is surgery needed?June 15, 2016When field veterinarians are evaluating a horse suffering from colic, the most important question to quickly answer is, “Does this horse need surgery, or can the issue be resolved through medical treatment?”
How to fine-tune a horse's diet to match its medical needsJune 2, 2016As we know, practicing medicine means a lot more than simply prescribing medications. Instead, many equine conditions require a multimodal treatment approach, frequently including changes in diet and environment.
LSU seeks horses with gastric ulcersMay 23, 2016The Louisiana State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital is seeking horses with gastric ulcers to take part in a study evaluating a new investigational drug. The study is expected to last four to six weeks.
Australian study questions use of crank nosebandsMay 18, 2016University of Sydney veterinary researchers have found that an extremely tight noseband on horses raises the animals’ stress levels, calling into question whether its use should continue in equestrian competitions.
What to consider after an equine field fractureMay 10, 2016The size, strength and unpredictable nature of the horse makes accidents almost inevitable. While many horses escape from harrowing situations with relatively minor injuries, sometimes the damage is life- or career-threatening.