Veterinary homeopathy: Why are we still talking about this?November 22, 2019Controversial from its beginnings, homeopathy has long been employed by only a few health-care professionals, and surveys show only a tiny minority of citizens in most developed countries have used homeopathic treatment.
SPONSORED CONTENTCurrent users report reduced stress for parvovirus care1Research shows that our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody can help veterinary care teams work with less stress.1 Learn what CPMA can do for your parvo protocol. + Read More
Say nay to nonchemical parasite controlSeptember 24, 2018Most horses will need to be dewormed occasionally. Happily, there are a number of reasonably effective and very safe products available. Unfortunately, there also are quite a number of strategies and products that don’t work at all. While it may seem obvious that those should be avoided, nevertheless, some may have a vocal and ardent following.
What you may not know about holistic medicineFebruary 9, 2017Homeopathy is one of several disciplines used by holistic-oriented veterinarians. Due to its “unusual” nature, it is often misunderstood by many practitioners and therefore discounted as a worthless therapy.