24 Great Danes among animals rescued from a breeding mill in TennesseeMarch 27, 2023The rescued animals, which include large and small breed dogs, cats, and chinchillas, were transported to the Animal Rescue Corps’ (ARC) Rescue Center in Gallatin, Tenn.
SPONSORED CONTENTLike they're not awful enoughThey can cause Echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease with up to a 75% human fatality rate. + Learn More
World's tallest dog passes awayFebruary 1, 2021The animal community is mourning a massive loss with the passing of Freddy, the world's tallest male dog, at the age of eight. The Great Dane measured 3 feet, 4 inches (103.5 cm) from foot to withers. When standing on his hind legs, he was 7 feet, 5.5 inches (226 cm)—nearly five inches taller than basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal. Freddy, who first achieved the Guinness World Record in 2016, is mourned by his owner, Claire …
Brain Teaser: Can you solve this puzzle?October 17, 2018 Presentation Cystotomy in a five-year-old Rottweiler who had 178 struvite stones. Challenge What is the holding layer—the one to include in the suture line? Which suture material is ideal? Which needle is best? Which suture pattern is recommended? Check your answer on the next page.
Brain Teaser: What's Your Diagnosis?December 1, 2016 Pictured: Abdominal X-ray of a 6-year-old male great Dane Questions What's your diagnosis? Where does the gas come from? What are the three main goals of surgery? Check your answer on the next page.