VPN Plus+ ExclusiveExamining brain diseases in French bulldogsMay 23, 2024This article is the second of a two-part series detailing neurologic diseases in French bulldogs. Of the various conditions that can cause encephalopathies in dogs, those seen in higher frequencies in French bulldogs include otitis media-interna and resultant otogenic meningoencephalitis, meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology, and high-grade gliomas.
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VPN Plus+ ExclusiveAddressing vertebral column diseases of French bulldogsMarch 7, 2024Within veterinary neurology, there is increasing awareness and concern over the neurologic conditions observed in French bulldogs. One in five French bulldogs develops at least one neurologic problem during its life. Susan A. Arnold, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology) presents a deep dive on vertebral column diseases in French bulldogs.
Treating 'America's most popular pets' among VMX 2024 CE offeringsDecember 7, 2023Disease management and diagnostics for cats, Frenchies, and bearded dragons are among topics to be offered in continuing education sessions at the 41stl Veterinary Meeting & Expo (VMX) in January.
Health data of short-muzzled breeds helps inform personalized careFebruary 21, 2023While it is no secret brachycephalic dogs experience increased health risks as compared to their longer-nosed counterparts, new research from Nationwide confirms anecdotal veterinary evidence is certainly rooted in fact.
Why are pet thefts on the rise?March 30, 2021The Los Angeles dognapping of singer Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs in February, which also resulted in the serious shooting injury of her dogwalker, made worldwide news.