Midmark to open technology center for consumer and industry researchNovember 8, 2018A research and development hub open to customers, industry leaders, and partners from around the world is Midmark Corp.’s newest step toward its evolution as a clinical environmental design company.
SPONSORED CONTENTStart Treating Canine MMVD Patients at Stage B2Learn about early treatment with pimobendan for canine Stage B2 preclinical MMVD patients. + Learn More
How veterinary practices can improve client retentionNovember 8, 2018With pet ownership reaching record-highs in the U.S, there’s plenty of opportunity for small veterinary practices to increase revenue. But many practice owners are finding it difficult to compete in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
Couple donates $10 million to LSU in support of injured and homeless animalsNovember 6, 2018A combined endowment of more than $10 million to Louisiana State University (LSU), School of Veterinary Medicine is expected to provide resources to injured and homeless animals, support oncology research, and fund forensic training to help veterinarians and law enforcement identify animal abuse.
If liberal arts are on the decline... are veterinarians getting dumber?October 25, 2018It’s no secret a liberal arts education is less in vogue these days than it was 50, 20, or even five years ago. Getting a specialized education is what it’s all about. After all, if the end goal is an increasingly specialized workforce, it’s argued, does it not make sense to start specializing earlier in one’s scholastic career?
Getting the most from a conferenceMarch 15, 2018When you add up your conference registration, airfare, hotel, meals, taxis, and time away from the practice, you’ll spend thousands just to attend a few days of a veterinary convention. It’s time to actively seek greater returns on your attendance.
West Texas A&M approves veterinary education centerMarch 14, 2018The Texas A&M University System Regents have approved plans to build a $22.8 million veterinary education, research, and workplace facility at West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) in Canyon. This is the latest development in the university's College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences' effort to expand veterinary education outreach throughout the state. Operated by Texas A&M, the new Veterinary Education, Research & Outreach Center (VERO), as well as a Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory …
Heroes For Healthy Pets to the rescueJanuary 11, 2018If you support healthy pets and are doing something to take action to minimize the risk of spreading infectious disease, you ought to be a superhero, according to the Heroes For Healthy Pets initiative. Your skill may not be weaving a “spidey” web or becoming invisible—your skill is education.
AMC launches Usdan Institute for Animal HealthSeptember 20, 2017 The Animal Medical Center (AMC) in New York, which sees more than 50,000 patient visitors a year and has more than 100 years of veterinary medical experience, announced the launch of the Usdan Institute for Animal Health Education to help educate owners on all aspects of their pet's health. AMC has appointed Jaclyn Skidmore, MSc, an infectious disease epidemiologist, as the institute's director. "The Usdan Institute for Animal Health Education will …
New AAHA practice management program aims to improve veterinary cultureAugust 7, 2017The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has introduced a new continuing education program designed to help managers improve culture, human resources, and digital marketing within their practices, according to the organization.
AAFP releases two new client brochures for feline veterinariansJuly 31, 2017Feline veterinarians have some new literature to give to their cat-owning clients.