Feline heartworm diagnostic testingMarch 1, 2025Understanding the new American Heartworm Society guidelines, why and when to screen cats for heartworm infection.
SPONSORED CONTENTStart Treating Canine MMVD Patients at Stage B2Learn about early treatment with pimobendan for canine Stage B2 preclinical MMVD patients. + Learn More
Bringing Light Home: How Super Pulsed Laser Therapy Enhances Pet HealingNovember 6, 2024Over the past two decades, laser therapy has seen tremendous growth in veterinary practices. What was once considered an alternative therapy is now an integral part of mainstream veterinary care, particularly in rehabilitation, dental, and preventative medicine.
Canine Procedural Sedation Strategies – Optimizing Drug SelectionNovember 1, 2024Successful procedural sedation that optimizes drug and dose selection specific to the patient results in a better experience for both patients and staff.
Tips to Facilitate Effective Weight-Loss ConversationsMarch 30, 2023Weight-loss programs that focus on traditional caloric restriction and physical activity may not be appropriate or successful for all families. Incorporating strategies that enhance and support the family-pet relationship can help you create a customized—and successful—plan.
Pound for Pound: How Diet Makes a Difference in Healthy Weight LossMarch 30, 2023While all weight-management diets are designed to reduce a dog’s daily intake of calories, there is more to successful weight loss than calorie reduction.
Straight Talk with Clients is a Critical Piece of the Adverse Food Reaction "Puzzle"October 1, 2022Managing dogs with adverse food reactions can be a puzzle for veterinarians and a wait-and-see game for clients.
Diet trials useful in diagnosing canine itchingMay 25, 2022Frequent itching in dogs is one of the most common dermatological issues seen by veterinarians. Left untreated, it can be distressing to pets and owners alike, and potentially lead to more serious health issues.
How nitric oxide helps regulate biological functionApril 29, 2022What do wound healing, medications for ED, biofilm quorum sensing, fruit ripening, and the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine have in common? Nitric oxide.
Clinical validation of OncoK9®, a blood-based multi-cancer early detection 'liquid biopsy' test for dogsApril 28, 2022Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs, yet there are no established screening paradigms for early detection.
Rethinking "Just Feed Less" to Reduce Calorie IntakeApril 28, 2022One of the most common questions we are asked as veterinarians is, “How much should I feed?”