What does FDA's DCM alert mean?July 8, 2019Last week brought a revealing announcement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). After frequent and persistent petitioning from veterinarians, veterinary nutritionists, and caregivers, the FDA finally released a list of the brands that have been linked to cases of diet-associated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Since June 27, my inbox and social media sites have been blowing up with shares, retweets, and emails from concerned friends and family. The story was even picked up by …
SPONSORED CONTENTA brighter future for parvovirus patientsOur Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody helps puppies recover faster, and current users report reductions in clinic stress during parvo treatment.1,2 Find out why veterinary teams are embracing CPMA. + Read More
Veterinary professionals, pet owners divided on pet food claimsJune 26, 2019When it comes to an animal’s nutrition, veterinary professionals and pet owners remain divided on several dietary trends.
Are vegan or vegetarian diets good for pets?June 24, 2019Pet owners frequently project their beliefs about human health onto their companion animals. Anxieties about purported harms from vaccines in children, for example, have spurred an anti-vaccination movement among veterinarians and pet owners.
Dermatology and nutrition: Beyond food allergyApril 29, 2019 When dogs and cats present with skin disorders, the initial approach is to collect a history, do a physical exam, and then perform diagnostic tests to rule in or rule out common conditions. After establishing a tentative diagnosis, most veterinarians will next consider which medications are most appropriate (e.g. antibiotics, antifungals, parasiticides). It is not as common to consider diet and nutrition as part of the workup and treatment for dermatologic disorders, other than …
Study finds only low levels of methylmercury in dog foodApril 25, 2019A study by the University of California (UC), Davis on levels of methylmercury in samplings of commercial dog food has found low concentrations in the majority of the tested brands. Only three of the 24 types of dog food tested positive for low concentrations of total mercury, and only one contained detectable methylmercury. "The concentrations detected are unlikely to pose a risk to healthy adult dogs," says lead author, Rae Sires, a nutrition resident …
Stoner news: Struvite diets for cats and dogsMarch 28, 2019While struvite uroliths may in some cases require surgical intervention, the recommended standard of care by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) is medical dissolution with a therapeutic diet formulated to alter urine acidity and encourage water consumption. Dietary dissolution of struvite stones is both effective and inexpensive. Therapeutic diets limit calculogenic compounds (e.g. phosphorus and magnesium) and acidify urine. That makes the urine a less welcoming environment for stone formation and …
Talking the talk—What to say when clients prefer raw dietsMarch 21, 2019One only needs to pay attention to the news or trending items on Facebook to see the spate of pet food recalls happening in our country. And with an uptick of pet parents feeding their dogs raw or freeze-dried raw food, it is important veterinarians have honest and open conversations with their clients about concerns surrounding these diets. The following is American Veterinary Medical Association's (AVMA's) position statement on raw diets: "AVMA discourages the …
Before you change the diet…February 7, 2019Naughty Girl is a healthy six-month old terrier puppy who is being fed a complete and balanced commercial growth food. She lives with Bad Boy, a four-year old beagle-spaniel cross who is fed an adult maintenance dog food. Bad Boy is brought to your clinic for a two-day history of vomiting and acting sluggish (or punky). Your physical exam reveals some pain on abdominal palpation and a lab test for canine pancreas-specific lipase is …
Fit from fatSeptember 21, 2017I must confess: I believe most pet owners dread hearing me suggest a weight loss plan for their pet. I also confide that I think many veterinarians tremble at the thought of proposing a weight loss plan. To further complicate matters, I believe pet weight loss is as much an art as it is a science.
How equine veterinarians can help demystify horse nutritionJune 14, 2017For many horse owners, perhaps nothing is more confusing than trying to figure out the “best” way to feed their horse(s). They are confronted with a seemingly endless array of do’s, don’ts, can’ts and musts that can make feeding a confusing and expensive task.