Human-grade dog chow might aid digestionFebruary 24, 2021Canine diets comprised of human-grade ingredients might be beneficial for owners looking to scoop less poop.
SPONSORED CONTENTSupport patients' cognitive function and mobility.Cognitive and mobility decline are common issues facing aging pets, and new Hill's Prescription Diet Brain Care + j/d can help. + Learn More
Veterinary nutritionists: A secret ingredient for pet healthNovember 26, 2020Veterinarians are the most utilized source of information for owners regarding their pet’s health and nutrition.
Obesity epidemic swells with pandemicOctober 6, 2020While pudgy pets have been a persistent problem for years, the pandemic certainly hasn’t made things any easier.
Food for thought: Dietary considerations in feline lower urinary tract diseasesJuly 29, 2020When presented with a cat with clinical signs consistent with lower urinary tract disease, it is important to gain an accurate history, then think about the animal's diet.
Understanding nutrition in dogs with degenerative mitral valve diseaseJuly 6, 2020It is extremely helpful to introduce to clients the concepts of sodium restriction, adequate calorie and protein intake, and cardiac cachexia in the pre-CHF stage.
A closer look at popular pet food myths… and why they are just thatJune 2, 2020The perfect food for dogs and cats is unknown and probably doesn’t exist, and the pressure to find this diet can easily lead to extreme and unhealthy choices.
Is keto kind to pets?January 28, 2020One of the many extreme diets for humans that also is sometimes promoted as having health benefits for veterinary patient is the ketogenic diet.
Dietary supplements and osteoarthritisNovember 21, 2019A multimodal approach to the management of OA has been recommended to target different pain receptors and attempt to control inflammation within the joints.
Research updates on diet-associated dilated cardiomyopathyAugust 15, 2019As veterinarians, our mission to identify curable conditions is everlasting, but like many of our human colleagues, we too may be overlooking the most logical etiology of all—food.
A systematic approach to designing weight loss plans for cats and dogsAugust 2, 2019Obesity is defined as excess body weight that may contribute to impaired health and body function. Survey data suggest more than half of the cats and dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese, making obesity the most common nutritional disease in companion animals.