Periodontal instrumentation: How to properly scale and polish teethMarch 17, 2024This month's column features hand instrumentation and proper polishing that should occur after every dental scaling.
SPONSORED CONTENTLife-saving results for parvovirus casesResearch has shown that puppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody have shorter clinic stays.1 Transform parvo treatment outcomes for your patients. + Read More
Periodontal instrumentation: How to properly clean teethFebruary 20, 2024Though ultrasonic scalers are very helpful tools, you will also need to have hand scalers and curettes in your armamentarium.
Gleaning pearls of (dental) wisdom from a mentor-peerFebruary 15, 2024This National Pet Dental Health Month, a mentor with decades-long experience shares learnings and insights in general practice
Puppy regrows jaw after mandibulectomyFebruary 5, 2024Tyson, a three-month-old French bulldog, had its lower left mandible removed at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine due to a malignant oral tumor
A guide to rabbit and rodent dentistryFebruary 2, 2024Treatment of dental disease in rabbits and herbivorous rodents commonly requires repeated dental trimming, often for the remainder of the patient’s life. Additional complications, such as dental abscessation, are common in certain species.
Talking clients into prioritizing pet dental healthFebruary 1, 2024Explaining what goes on in an initial examination and then taking the time to discuss necessary next steps could help you advocate for your patients’ dental health.
Big isn't always bad when dealing with oral tumorsDecember 23, 2023This case is a good reminder not all large masses are malignant. Clinical and radiographic information obtained intraoperatively can help in decision making of whether to pursue an incisional vs. excisional biopsy.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveFine-tuning YOUR Dentistry in General PracticeSeptember 20, 2023In this session: Wendi Rensman, CVT, VTS (Dentistry) covers an in-depth look at normal clinical anatomy and radiographic anatomy to help viewers identify findings that may be abnormal. She also discusss ways we can practice better for ourselves, such as ergonomics, instrumentation, proper PEE, and how it contributes to better patient care.
Tool tips for efficient dentistryMay 3, 2023Dental procedures and oral surgery can be extra challenging, especially when extracting tiny teeth or tooth roots, such as in feline patients. Proper selection and organization of equipment, instruments, lighting source, magnification, suction, as well as sufficient training in using them could solve many common issues in veterinary dentistry.
A 'mini' new technology for jaw fracturesJanuary 13, 2023Bioresorbable miniplates to repair maxillofacial fractures has been available in human maxillofacial surgery for a long time, but as is often the case, it takes a while for new techniques and equipment to “trickle down” to our veterinary patients.