VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTech Talk: Utilization is not just a buzzwordFebruary 9, 2024By Jamie Rauscher, LVTProper utilization of technicians is something both credentialed veterinary technicians (CVTs) and practice owners want. Or is it? It seems everyone always thinks it is a great idea but just does not know how to move forward to make it happen. Lots of conversations are happening in our profession to try to figure out just how to do this. Why all the talk and so little action? Where is the hold up?
SPONSORED CONTENTCanine Procedural Sedation Strategies – Optimizing Drug SelectionSuccessful procedural sedation that optimizes drug and dose selection specific to the patient results in a better experience for both patients and staff. +
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveTriage Vet TechnicalitiesApril 6, 2023This session: Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT, covers every aspect of an ER veterinary triage, from input to intake, and informs you how to implement effective triage in your practice. It addresses use for general practices and specialty centers, via telemedicine and in-person. You won’t just be reading a temperature; you will be reading the whole room!
Vet techs' expertise, opinions sought by AAHAMarch 14, 2023Veterinary technicians interested in having a say in the development of industry-wide standards, guidelines, and other resources are invited to apply for a newly created leadership position at the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveVet technicians need and want title protection; why so inconsistent?March 3, 2022By Ashli Selke, RVT, CVTTitle protection across our profession lacks continuity. The guidelines for this vary across the United States, which creates a huge misunderstanding from within the profession as well as consumers. How can anyone keep up when our title is protected in one state but not even recognized in another? The answer is, we can’t. So, we need to work together to bring the “big” issues to the forefront.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveUnder-utilizing veterinary techniciansJuly 1, 2021By Ed Carlson, CVT, VTS (nutrition)Under-utilizing credentialed/licensed veterinary technicians continues to be a hurdle many practices have yet to overcome. Here are areas for improvements.
Is the person you just hired a real CVT?May 2, 2019You don't have to be a human resources guru to ensure the person you're hiring is genuinely credentialed. Yet, fraud happens. When applying for a position, anyone can claim to be a credentialed veterinary technician/technologist (CVT) in good standing. But are they? It can be frustrating if you know someone who has falsely (either intentionally or through ignorance) represented himself/herself as a CVT to obtain a job. People who are CVTs in good standing …