Seven ways COVID has changed how we deliver pet health careNovember 16, 2020So much has changed since the start of 2020 that it’s almost impossible to prioritize the challenges we’ve confronted.
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The "good death" revolution—Companion animal euthanasia in the modern ageNovember 16, 2020With the increased attention given to the human-animal bond, particularly during COVID; the emotional complexity of animals; and the recent and welcomed focus on veterinary wellness, the importance of a good death has risen to center stage.
Do your clients have a contingency COVID pet-care plan?November 9, 2020As COVID numbers continue to climb across the U.S., AVMA is asking veterinarians to ensure their clients have an animal-care plan in the event they contract coronavirus.
COVID pandemic exposes science denial—even in veterinary medicineOctober 29, 2020Taken by veterinary graduates in North America, the Veterinarian’s Oath begins, “I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society.”
COVID hits your practice… Now what?October 7, 2020Consider it carefully: Just because it’s lawful to stay open doesn’t mean we should.
Obesity epidemic swells with pandemicOctober 6, 2020While pudgy pets have been a persistent problem for years, the pandemic certainly hasn’t made things any easier.
How purposeful clinic design can help make COVID a thing of the pastOctober 5, 2020As many states and counties start to reopen, it has become critical for all businesses, including animal care facilities, to take proper precautions to help prevent COVID from spreading.
The world has changed. What does that mean for veterinary medicine?September 30, 2020Veterinary professionals have a valuable role to play during COVID and beyond: to be part of a competent, compassionate team that helps companion animals.
Still no evidence of animal-to-human COVID transmissionSeptember 28, 2020Animal health professionals should encourage kindness amidst the pandemic to minimize unnecessary animal relinquishment.
Clear communication key when leading amidst uncertaintySeptember 23, 2020When guiding a team, clear communication and a sense of understanding is key, regardless of the landscape.