Are your reminders persuasive enough?April 25, 2024Various types of appointments may require different reminder wording and different persuasion techniques. Test diverse approaches to identify what resonates best with your clientele.
SPONSORED CONTENTLife-saving results for parvovirus casesResearch has shown that puppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody have shorter clinic stays.1 Transform parvo treatment outcomes for your patients. + Read More
The personal touch: How digital communications can help boost client loyaltyNovember 25, 2020While vague customization has its benefits, clients are looking for a genuine and meaningful connection with their pet health-care provider.
Four steps to improved veterinary client complianceJuly 6, 2018Approaching veterinary client compliance is a multipronged process that includes determining who your client is, assessing your team, assessing the practice, and more. As a veterinary practice management consultant, I regularly meet veterinary professionals who struggle with client compliance. Why won't they accept our recommendations? Why don't they get it? How can I make them understand? They just don't want to pay. These are all common problems I am asked to help solve. Determine …
Why good communication is key to good veterinary practiceSeptember 27, 2016Good communication underpins every aspect of good veterinary practice. It can increase after-care compliance, enhance pet owner satisfaction and most importantly better pet health outcomes. Yet investigations into unprofessional conduct in the veterinary profession are often the result of communication breakdown.