VPN Plus+ ExclusiveCurrent Literature Review of Cannabinoids for Pain in Veterinary SpeciesMarch 8, 2024In this session: Stephen Niño Cital, RVT, SRA, RLAT, CVPP, VTS (LAM-Res. Anesthesia), discusses our current understanding of cannabinoids and their use for pain management in veterinary species. He also addresses the most current studies from design to results and how this applies to practice.
SPONSORED CONTENTLonghorned ticks: What to know about their unique characteristics and potential risksQ&A with Kathryn E. Reif, MSPH, PhD +
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveCannabinoids in the Clinic: Practical ApproachesJanuary 19, 2023In this session: The clinical data for companion animals with the use of cannabinoids, like CBD, has been growing. Stephen Niño Cital, RVT, SRA, RLAT, CVPP, VTS-LAM (Res. Anesthesia) discusses the current and relevant literature and dosing for safe and effective use of CBD in your practice.
Multi-modal approach can help ease patient stressNovember 10, 2022Fear Free, LLC, has joined forces with veterinary cannabidiol (CBD) company, ElleVet Sciences. The partnership aims to give pets the “highest level of success in handling stressful situations” by helping them respond to the positive reinforcement methods practiced by Fear Free-certified veterinarians, ElleVet Sciences reports.
Daily CBD 'well tolerated' in healthy dogs, study showsSeptember 27, 2022Long-term daily use of cannabidiol (CBD) appears to be “well tolerated” in healthy canines, according to a new Mars Petcare study.
CBD may reduce severity, frequency of canine seizures, study showsAugust 24, 2022Cannabidiol (CBD) may be beneficial in reducing the severity and frequency of seizures in dogs, according to a new study published by ElleVet Sciences.
How to educate clients on CBD oil useSeptember 23, 2021Both the hemp and marijuana plant have identical appearances, and both are classified as cannabis.
Cannabis products continue to rise in popularity, but is there proof they work?March 9, 2021For several years, cannabis-based products have been one of the most popular supplements in the veterinary market, and one of the most active areas of research.
Could cannabis play a role in geriatric, palliative veterinary care?January 27, 2021In geriatric practice and palliative medicine, we can see a range of medical conditions, often times with multiple ailments coexisting in the same patient.
CBD pet chews praised for innovationDecember 22, 2020Chewy pet treats formulated to ensure dogs and cats can receive veterinary-recommended doses of cannabinoid (CBD) have been recognized for innovation.
VPN Plus+ ExclusiveCBD or CBD and THC combined?May 29, 2020While cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are both phytocannabinoids derived from cannabis plants, differences in their chemical structures allow each to interact with unique receptors, resulting in distinct molecular targets and physiological effects. Namely, THC shows high affinity toward CB1 receptors, which are present in central and peripheral neurons, resulting in the euphoric effect commonly attributed to cannabis intoxication. In contrast, CBD does not bind CB1 at relevant concentrations and is nonintoxicating. Instead, CBD interacts, …