Classifying and newly subclassifying medial patella luxation in dogsJanuary 17, 2023Canine medial patella luxation is a common cause of lameness. While it most often affects small and toy breed dogs, medium and large breed dogs can also be impacted. Clinical presentation varies depending on the severity (or grade) of luxation. Most patients with patella luxation will present at a young age, some as early as three months, but many are around 12 months to four years old.
SPONSORED CONTENTA Modern Approach to Parasite PreventionWith evolving parasite threats, traditional preventatives may not be enough. Discover how innovation is changing the landscape of protection. + Learn More
Assisted feeding methods and benefits of nutritional supportJanuary 16, 2023Successful support and management through enteral feeding involves critical decisions, including appropriate nutrition, assessment, early intervention, and proper tube selection.
Feline intestinal lymphoma, cognitive dysfunction to be exploredDecember 22, 2022Tooth resorption, cognitive dysfunction syndrome, and oral squamous cell carcinoma are among the topics of six newly funded feline-focused studies.
Technician tips for critical care patientsDecember 21, 2022Technicians will be asked at some point in their career to monitor critical patients, where a high level of care, concentration, and critical thinking skills are required.
The pros and cons of food allergy testingDecember 12, 2022Cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFR), also known as food allergies, are an immunological reaction to food allergens. CAFR is thought to affect about 20 percent of dogs, and up to 13 percent of cats with allergic skin disease.
Feline diabetes pill gets FDA green lightDecember 9, 2022Bexacat has been approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for improved glycemic control in diabetic cats. Developed by Elanco Animal Health, the oral medication, which contains the active ingredient bexagliflozin, marks the first sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor (i.e. not insulin) approved by FDA in any animal species, the agency reports.
The pros and cons of colloidal silverDecember 9, 2022Like so many supplements, the widely available product, “colloidal silver,” has amassed an ardent following, despite insufficient evidence of safety and effectiveness. Who can blame people for becoming excited when they read an inexpensive bottle of colloidal silver “is an extremely safe and natural antibiotic to treat all sizes and ages of felines, including very young kittens,” and it “can be used internally and externally, to attach the germ from the inside out and the outside in”?
PAW Program provides aid to cancer patients with petsDecember 8, 2022CancerCare, a national organization that has provided assistance to cancer patients for nearly eight decades, aids pet owners in cancer crisis via its Pet Assistance & Wellness (PAW) Program.
How the helium crisis impacts vet medicineDecember 6, 2022When asked about the challenges facing the veterinary industry, few people will jump straight to a helium shortage. Industrially, helium is primarily used in cryogenics, cooling down machinery to allow proper usage. This includes high-field MRI machines, used throughout the veterinary industry to detect causes of foreign bodies, seizures, spinal pain, and behavioral changes in companion animals. These machines use liquid helium to cool the super-conducting magnet, which creates the strong magnetic field strength required for clarity and consistency while imaging.
The importance of fecal testingDecember 5, 2022Stool samples, a fecal analysis, parasite screenings, a “poop check.” It does not matter what you call it, if you work in a veterinary hospital, it is not the most popular test. Yet, they are performed, most likely, multiple times a day. They give a practitioner a wealth of knowledge, if done correctly, that cannot be discovered by any other means.