Cancer research gets $825K boostOctober 16, 2020America’s top veterinarian oncology universities have received additional funding to help in the fight against pet cancer.
SPONSORED CONTENTYour Parasite Protection Recommendation, SimplifiedManaging parasite prevention doesn’t have to be complicated. Discover a single solution that protects against multiple threats. + Learn More
Hampton, Va., ranked top roundworm city for SeptemberOctober 16, 2020Hampton, Va., is the number one city for hookworm in September, the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) reports.
Kittens yearn for mother's touch in first weeksOctober 13, 2020Understanding the intrinsic bond between a kitten and its mother might be the key to improving the care of young cats in shelters and foster homes.
Teaching owners about pain in pets: A technician's guideSeptember 25, 2020The treatment of pain in pets does not start and end at the veterinary clinic; owners are critical players in the long-term analgesic plan for our patients.
Brain Teaser: Test your knowledge of thyroid tumorsSeptember 25, 2020Test your veterinary knowledge with our October Brain Teaser!
Intermittent fasting could regulate feline eating habitsSeptember 24, 2020Cats fed once daily were found to be more satisfied with their food intake than those who eat multiple times.
Charting puppy growth can avoid plump poochesSeptember 24, 2020Sixty-eight percent of dogs that develop obesity by age three have been larger-than-average since puppyhood, research shows.
Cat companionship can be therapeutic, tooSeptember 17, 2020Pet Partners has teamed up with Purina to help increase awareness and advocacy for the therapeutic benefits of cats.
Animal Pain Awareness Month kicks offSeptember 2, 2020Animals are good at hiding pain, which is why it’s important for veterinarians to educate clients on tell-tale signs that all is not well with their pet.
Individualized preventive care plans improve cat livesSeptember 2, 2020To provide feline patients with the best preventive care possible, it is imperative veterinarians determine a cat’s unique risk factors.