Veterinarians wanted: Half-dead or aliveFebruary 22, 2019Today, as a profession and as people who share our homes with pets for comfort or therapy, our ranches with horses for work or pleasure, or depend on animals for our livelihood or research, we face a looming crisis. Simply put, the glass isn’t half full or empty when it comes to veterinarians—it’s running dry.
SPONSORED CONTENTRevolutionize parvovirus care in your clinicPuppies treated with our Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody recovered faster: heading home from the clinic nearly two days earlier.1 Join 9 out of 10 satisfied veterinarians. + Read More
If liberal arts are on the decline... are veterinarians getting dumber?October 25, 2018It’s no secret a liberal arts education is less in vogue these days than it was 50, 20, or even five years ago. Getting a specialized education is what it’s all about. After all, if the end goal is an increasingly specialized workforce, it’s argued, does it not make sense to start specializing earlier in one’s scholastic career?
10 keys to (re)design your perfect lifeFebruary 13, 2018Whether you are starting your professional journey or are ready for a career change, it takes planning, introspection, and foresight to (re)design the life of your dreams. A new job, divorce, a career change, a New Year—all are opportunities to sit down and think hard about what you really want to accomplish with your life.